Photographer unknown, ca. 1951
Lyyli Maria Kutvonen, née Parpola 1913 – 1990
Lyyli's future mother Maria Katariiina Torkko from Ylistaro
had come to work as a dairymaid at the Orivesi dairy.
Heikki Parpola, a local farmer, was one of the dairy's managers and Maria and Heikki soon found each other.
Unfortunately Heikki died of tetanus in 1920 when Lyyli was 7 years old.
Her mother Maria was now a widow with four children under 13 years old.
However, Lyyli and two of her brothers were able to pursue academic studies and
Lyyli graduated in 1938 with a Master's degree with a major in Germanic philology.
During her studies she spent a year in the UK improving her English language skills.
During the war of 1939-1944, she first worked in the war censorship at the
State Information Office¹ (Valtion tiedotuslaitos)
and then in
the Clearance Section (selvittelyjaosto) of the
Office of Home Front Headquarters.
There she met my future father Martti Kutvonen.
After the war, she completed a pedagogy degree in as well.
Throughout her teaching career, Lyyli worked as a German and English language teacher.
First in Somero and Orivesi,
but most of her career she spent as a lecturer at the
Helsinki Lyceum.
➔ Lyyli Maria at the age of 72
¹ The office provided intelligence to the government,
supervised the activities of the information and propaganda organs,
provided war censorship, and conducted counter-espionage.